Saturday 31 May 2008

Dil Chahta Hai

Amazing, cool, touching and stylish youth movie. It’s among one of my favourites, and it still gives me a brilliant watching experienced after watching it for 4 or 5 times.

This movie experienced golden jubilee at the cinema, which means it ran at the cinema halls non-stop for over one year! This tells itself how good it is.

Rating: 6 of 6


Funny, scary and family oriented movie from the makers of Baghban and Baabul.

Rating: 5 of 6


Kongepudler er en morsom roman om den politiske eliten i Norge, hvor fantasien har løpt løpsk. Blant ingrediensene finner man navngitte politikere, næringslivstopper og kommunikasjonsrådgivere som skyr ingen midler for å oppnå makt eller andre mål.

Slik deltittelen sier, dette er litt av en røverroman om den norske eliten. Forfatteren har valgt å være anonym, så det står heller ikke hvem som har skrevet boka. Dette er igrunn ikke så rart med tanke på at navngitte offentlige skikkelser foretar seg obskure handlinger i historien.

Terningkast: 5

Sunday 25 May 2008

Southland Tales

Average movie from the director of Donnie Darko. Since Donnie Darko was a good movie, I thought this one was going to be similar, which wasn’t the case. This one is a science fiction about the end of our times, and deals around various different topics, i.e. politics, war, society, pollution etc etc. I think there are too many topics, which gives a chaotic feeling. The maker has probably intended to give a chaotic atmosphere, but this gives rare feeling as movie watcher.

Rating: 3 of 6


All right and time pass movie about life in a city. The movie is somehow similar to Metro, but Metro was more interesting than this one.

Rating: 3 of 6


Good and above average movie from the Bhatt’s production house. It deals with cricket match fixing, where Emran Hashmi plays a bookie. The climax is good and the music as well. The makers were very lucky with the timing with the release date of the movie, where they have almost no competition with other good movies. Therefore, the movie has turned out to be a smash-hit.

Read here the music review in Norwegian.

Rating: 4 of 6

Sunday 18 May 2008


Helt grei og noe morsom serie, som trolig er inspirert fra The Office som ble veldig populær. Noen av konseptene blir brukt for mye i denne norske versjonen, f.eks. at Tor går ut og sover i bilen i arbeidstiden er morsomt de første gangene, men når det skal gjentaes i hver eneste episode, så er det ikke så morsomt lenger. Det samme gjeler mumlingen til sjefen.

Terningkast: 3


Artistic good movie with Arjun Rampal from 2001.

Rating: 5 of 6

Carlito's Way - Rise to Power

Good action movie, which is a kind of prequel to the original Carlito’s Way from 1993 with Al Pacino. This one came in 2006.

Rating: 4 of 6


Awful thriller from the director of Aksar, Aggar and Dil Maange More.

Rating: 1 of 6

Friday 16 May 2008

Erlend Loe: Doppler

For en grusom dårlig drittbok! Den eneste grunnen til at jeg leste den ferdig var at jeg ikke ville oppleve å høre noen si at jeg ikke kunne si at den er dritt uten å ha lest den hel. Så nå har jeg lest den hel og kan med trygghet si at det er en drittbok, som du ikke burde kaste bort tiden på.

Den handler om en idiot av en person, som forelsker seg i skogen og bosetter seg der. Resten av boken handler om de obskure og rare meningene som denne personen har om samfunnet rundt seg.

Terningkast: 1

Monday 12 May 2008

The Omen 666

Horrible horror movie. The horror effects which come time to time aren’t amazing at all, and neither are they scaring. The story is simply uninspiring.

Rating: 2 of 6

Michael Clayton

All right thriller. It’s made by Tony Gilroy, who has written a number of good screenplays of various movies. This movie has great background score and visuals, but it was long and went slowly.

Rating: 4 of 6


All right action movie from 2002.

Rating: 3 of 6


It started in a stylish manner, but turned out to be a disastrous baqwas movie right after the interval. Yashraj just had to poison the movie with their cute love stories, instead of to just let the movie have its own category; stylish action. And the overreacted action scenes just don’t work if you put them in out of context. The only lightening point was Saif Ali Khan’s funny character role.

Rating: 2 of 6

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Stieg Larsson: Menn som Hater Kvinner

Veldig spennende krimroman. Det var rett og slett en herlig fornøyelse å lese boka, så det er all grunn til å glede seg til å lese de to neste bøkene i denne trilogien. Introduksjon av rollene i boka var unik og interessevekkende, og var en faktor i seg selv til å gjøre boka spennende.

Terningkast: 6/5

Monday 5 May 2008


OK and time pass action movie, which is based on a video game.

Rating: 3 of 6

Thursday 1 May 2008

Street Kings

A time pass cop action movie, which is full of clichés.

Rating: 3/4 of 6

Curse of the Golden Flower / Slaget om den Forbudte By

Wonderful epic movie from China, which is directed by Zhang Yimou. He has previously made the House of Flying Daggers (Flyvende Dolker) and the amazing Hero as well, and he has proved himself again. As the mentioned movies, this movie is also set in a historical context for around 1000 years ago. It’s about the Tang Dynasty, and the story deals around the intrigues in the family. Some people will say that the story is inspired from William Shakespare.

The movie is full of colourful visuals, beautiful choreography and good story. A must see!

Rating: 5/6 of 6