Sunday 11 November 2007


300 is a cool, creative and brutal action movie! The visuals are very nice, and give you feeling of living in a comic novel, which in fact the movie is based on as well. A number of the action scenes are in slow motion and where you see the performances in 360 degrees with high level of brutality. I don’t think you have seen such kind of action scenes in a war atmosphere before.

The screenplay was good too, but for me, it seemed too patriotic. In addition, as the author of the comic and screenplay mentioned, not everything in the movie is truth. But still, what an amazing movie experience!

Rating: 5 of 6


Anonymous said...

Mmm- I agree! A great movie experience, but as some has pointed out, mostly for the guys perhaps?

Adeal said...

Yeah...guys will like this one more than females. Therefore, I highlighted that it is brutal, so women can watch some romantic movie instead of this one.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mmm- Hehe